PVAMU 2024-2035: Journey
to Eminence Strategic Plan

PVAMU 2035:
Journey to Eminence
Strategic Plan

PVAMU 2024-2035: Journey to Eminence Strategic Plan


Prairie View A&M University is a state-assisted, public, comprehensive land grant institution of higher education. The university was designated in a 1984 amendment to the Texas Constitution as an “institution of the first class.” It is dedicated to achieving excellence and relevance in teaching, research, and service. It seeks to invest in programs and services that address issues and challenges affecting the diverse ethnic and socioeconomic population of Texas and the larger society including the global arena. The university seeks to provide a high quality educational experience for students who, upon completion of bachelors, masters, or doctorate degrees, possess self-sufficiency and professional competence.

Core Values

Access and Quality

Prairie View A&M University will provide high-quality educational opportunities to academically talented individuals from unserved and underserved populations, particularly those in economically and socially bypassed communities, as well as under-prepared students. The university aims to offer educational programs that will prepare all graduates to successfully compete in graduate and professional schools, as well as in the labor force. Furthermore, the university is dedicated to promoting the employment and advancement of faculty and staff, irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, national origin, or socioeconomic background.


Prairie View A&M University will create and execute programs and services that inspire and guide students, faculty, and staff in advancing their professional knowledge and skills, developing self-confidence, self-discipline, and other qualities essential to becoming successful leaders in their professions and communities. Additionally, the University will provide on-campus and distance education programs to improve the opportunities for individuals in its service areas.


Prairie View A&M University will respond to the need for highly literate, technologically competent graduates educated to excel in the 21st century work force; further, the University will extend the products of its research and service to address concerns and solve problems such as violence, abuse and misuse; drug and alcohol abuse; mental, physical, and psychological neglect; environmental injustice; and other forms of social dissonance that compromise the quality of life for the citizenry.


Prairie View A&M University will be dedicated to the pursuit and discovery of new knowledge, ideas, and artistic creation that have a transformative impact on our communities, state, nation, and the world

Social Responsibility

Prairie View A&M University will encourage its faculty, staff, and students to actively participate in constructive social change through volunteerism, leadership, and civic action. Additionally, the university will utilize available channels to influence public policy on the local, state, national, and international levels.

Message from Leadership

PVAMU Staff, Faculty, Students, Alumni, and Colleagues, 

Since 1876 Prairie View A&M University (PVAMU) has provided transformative educational experiences for tens of thousands of students who carry our rich legacy of excellence into the world. When we say, “excellence lives here”, it is evidenced by our outstanding alumni, our high-quality academic programs and the groundbreaking research we produce. Yet, excellence is not a resting place—for PVAMU it is a constant pursuit. We must be in a continuous state of transformation, ensuring that we are providing the most prolific and innovative educational experiences to all we serve. We must be on a constant quest for eminence. 

As we look to the future, we are mindful of the challenges and changes facing higher education, emphasizing the need for our university to be nimble innovative, and responsive to a shifting landscape. We look to the future of this university over the next 10 years through the lens of our newly developed strategic plan – PVAMU 2035: Journey to Eminence .

Tomikia P. LeGrande, Ed.D.


Prairie View A&M University will be a premier, public, research-intensive HBCU that serves as a national model for student success.

Goal #1

Invest in PVAMU’s
People and Performance

Invest in PVAMU’s People and Performance Excellence

Goal Statement

Promote comprehensive growth through strategic investments in the professional development, resources, processes, and physical infrastructure crucial for advancing the capabilities and opportunities of PVAMU’s community members and university goals.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Employee Satisfaction
  • US News & World Report HBCU Ranking


Invest in faculty and staff:

  • Implement measures to balance faculty and staff workload aligned with university priorities
  • Increase compensation to reflect the value of faculty and staff contributions
  • Broaden access to summer funding opportunities that advance new ideas and greater research, scholarship, and creative works
  • Elevate a culture of accountability and recognition by celebrating and rewarding faculty and staff productivity, achievements, and milestones
  • Level up skills and knowledge through enhanced training and professional development programs
  • Update and maintain processes to ensure activities are maximally streamlined

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Invest in students and alumni:

  • Enhance accessibility to available student grants and funding by investing in resources and tools that streamline the process of locating and applying for financial assistance
  • Strengthen the connection to the alumni network by facilitating meaningful engagement and collaboration between current students and alumni
  • Enrich the on-campus residential life experience through high-impact practices and robust programming tied to curricular and co-curricular life

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Invest in facilities and technology infrastructure:

  • Prioritize addressing deferred maintenance needs across the majority of campus buildings
  • Establish centralized gathering and event spaces for students to facilitate a greater sense of belonging and collaborative engagement.
  • Align and bridge technology needs between academic units and central services

Completion Timeline

  • Long (8-10 years)
Foster Social Responsibility Within Prairie View and Beyond
Goal #2

Advance Teaching
Excellence and
Academic Relevance

Advance TeachingExcellence and Academic Relevance

Goal Statement

Guarantee a steadfast dedication to excellence in instruction by equipping faculty with the necessary resources and support to effectively engage students at all levels and develop cutting-edge interdisciplinary programs that align with evolving market needs.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Number of PhD programs
  • Number of interdisciplinary/market-based undergraduate and masters programs


Ensure academic relevance and agility:

  • Foster interdisciplinary collaborations to promote innovative approaches to solving complex challenges and addressing emerging societal needs
  • Aim to be agile and responsive to workforce demands and economic shifts

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)


Maintain student-centric teaching culture:

  • Provide comprehensive faculty training programs to equip educators with effective strategies for meeting students at various levels of academic preparedness
  • Ensure robust support and reward/incentive mechanisms to enable faculty to uphold the university's commitment to its teaching-intensive mission
  • Grow student-faculty engagement built on a deep understanding of student needs and learning experiences

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Foster high self-expectations in students:

  • Strengthen student-faculty and student-staff relationships by increasing the frequency and quality of interactions and touchpoints
  • Implement comprehensive graduate school preparation
  • Enhance career preparation initiatives
  • Establish robust student mentorship programs with alumni

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)
Goal #3

Enrich Student
Success and
Holistic Student

Enrich Student Success and Holistic StudentDevelopment

Goal Statement

Enhance persistence to graduation by providing comprehensive support services, cultivating a culture of care, pride, and collaboration, and promoting initiatives that enhance academic achievement, personal well-being, and career readiness.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Undergraduate yield
  • 4-YR and 6-YR Graduation Rate
  • YR 1 Retention Rate
  • Manageable student debt


Enhance recruitment and onboarding of students:

  • Implement targeted recruitment strategies to attract a student body with varied backgrounds and interests (i.e. freshman, transfer, international, working adult, masters, and doctoral)
  • Expand competitive recruitment approaches to increase enrollment of high-ability students (Top 25%)
  • Implement required academic and support pathways (bridge programs) to ensure the success of developing students
  • Strengthen student pre-advisement services
  • Equip students with essential financial responsibility skills

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)


Enhance communication and integration of student services:

  • Promote awareness and use of student resources
  • Bolster technology systems needed to build personalized student communications
  • Foster unity among university services by aligning the goals and activities of Enrollment Management and Student Success, Student Affairs, Business Affairs, and Academic Affairs
  • Establish systematic data centralization and a comprehensive data warehouse

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Prioritize holistic student care:

  • Invest in more expanded housing options, particularly for first and second year students
  • Support development of CARE team
  • Establish a childcare center on campus to support parents
  • Invest in support services to meet the distinct needs of select student populations such as international students and student-athletes
  • Help keep costs under control and prioritize affordability
  • Support student mental health and well-being services and initiatives

Completion Timeline

  • Long (8-10 years)


Foster enhanced student outcomes:

  • Implement robust career counseling and coaching programs
  • Maintain responsiveness to evolving workforce needs
  • Expand opportunities for field experiences and career development initiatives

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)
Enrich Student Success and Holistic StudentDevelopment
Goal #4

Drive Strategic
of Research

Drive Strategic Advancement of Research

Goal Statement

Accelerate the university's research capacity, grow graduate programs and PhD completions, and develop and invest in research-intensive faculty, thereby elevating the university’s research profile and national and international impact.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Annual research expenditures
  • Annual PHD Completions


Grow research capacity:

  • Cultivate an enriching culture that values research, scholarship, and creative activity
  • Recruit and retain teaching and research faculty that directly contribute to the elevation of the university as a research institution
  • Invest in recruitment approaches to attract grant-supported research-intensive faculty to contribute to current and future research strengths

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Streamline research processes:

  • Implement efficiencies to support increases in research awards and expenditures.
  • Establish dedicated research support staff positions
  • Enhance student recruitment processes and allocate marketing resources to attract high-quality research students

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Grow and strengthen graduate programs:

  • Strengthen graduate education to ensure high quality and rigor
  • Expand graduate programs in key disciplines that maintain market relevance and need.
  • Attain milestone of annually awarding 70 doctoral research degrees
  • Establish robust support for post-doctoral fellowships
  • Secure funding resources to sustain graduate teaching and research assistants

Completion Timeline

  • Long (8-10 years)


Invest in research infrastructure:

  • Acquire necessary technology infrastructure and expand research and laboratory space
  • Increase staffing to support the growing demands of research activities
  • Strengthen supporting facilities infrastructure in areas of high demand

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)
Goal #5

Foster Social
Prairie View
and Beyond

Foster Social Responsibility Within Prairie View and Beyond

Goal Statement

Engage in initiatives that contribute solutions to societal needs, promote equity, deepen industry and alumni connections, and foster economic and community development within Prairie View and greater Houston while extending our impact through regional, national, and global outreach efforts.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Percentage of students/ faculty participating in global experiences
  • Greater Houston economic impact
  • Alumni giving rate


Engage with PVAMU alumni:

  • Amplify alumni success stories
  • Organize alumni days on campus and implement an alumni mentorship program to strengthen ties between alumni and current students
  • Enhancing alumni relations and communication
  • Build culture of student, alumni, and employee giving to PVAMU

Completion Timeline

  • Long (8-10 years)


Grow global footprint:

  • Increase faculty, staff, and student participation in international programming such as presenting at international conferences, study abroad, Fulbright, and international internships and fellowships
  • Use strategic branding and promotional efforts aimed at international recruitment and showcasing Prairie View's academic excellence on the global stage

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)


Develop alongside the City of Prairie View:

  • Leverage Prairie View's land assets for strategic city development initiatives
  • Cultivate and nurture relationships with developers to facilitate mutually beneficial partnerships
  • Utilize development opportunities as a means to create job opportunities for local residents and alumni

Completion Timeline

  • Short (2-3 years)


Mobilize the campus community to implement safety protocols and services to meet campus and community needs:

  • Conduct campus safety assessments (e.g., surveys, focused groups, etc.) to obtain feedback from stakeholders about campus safety.
  • Establish and ensure the continuous operation of security, compliance, and risk management councils/committees to assess, develop, and recommend implementing policies, procedures, and protocols to mitigate campus risks.
  • Elevate campus awareness and compliance by disseminating materials and conducting educational activities of legislative requirements.
  • Implement safety and security measures and facilitate training that reduces vulnerabilities and addresses emerging threats.
  • Strengthen the climate of trust and accountability of law enforcement personnel through transparency and campus/community engagement.

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)


Increase partnerships in Waller County and Greater Houston:

  • Establish a dedicated Community/Partnership Office to facilitate connections between students, alumni, and corporate partners
  • Sustain land grant mission and engagement partnerships with local communities
  • Expand utilization of athletic programs and facilities to connect with community and grow alternative revenue streams

Completion Timeline

  • Medium (5-6 years)
Foster Social Responsibility Within Prairie View and Beyond
Strategic Planning was Iterative and Collaborative

Strategic Planning was Iterative and Collaborative

From September 2023 through August 2024 PVAMU partnered with Kennedy & Company to conduct a collaborative and focused assessment of the campus community and its values and developed a strategic plan that reflects its priorities and goals, including key performance indicators to measure success over the next ten years.



Prairie View A&M University will be a premier, public, research-intensive HBCU that serves as a national model for student success